No. 102 (2022) ISBN 978-86-82296-02-7:

Editors: Dragana Ilić, Vladimir Srećković, Bratislav Obradović and Jovan Cvetić
[SPIG 2022, PDF, 19.8MB]
October 13 - 17, 2020, Belgrade, Serbia

Editors: Dragana Ilić, Vladimir Srećković, Bratislav Obradović and Jovan Cvetić
[p. 017-018, PDF, 664KB]

Sergio Diaz-Tendero
Ultrafast Dynamics of Ionized Molecules and Molecular Clusters in the Gas Phase
[p. 021, PDF, 626KB]

Darryl B. Jones
Electron Spectroscopies for Probing Electronic Structure and Collision Dynamics
[p. 022, PDF, 625KB]

James Sullivan
Experiments with Positrons - From Fundamental to Applied Science
[p. 023, PDF, 624KB]

G. J. Boyle, M. J. E. Casey, D. G. Cocks, R. D. White and R. J. Carman
Thermalisation Time of Electron Swarms in Noble Gases for Uniform Electric Fields
[p. 024, PDF, 665KB]

Saša Dujko, Danko Bošnjaković, Ilija Simonović and Christoph Köhn
Electron Transport, Transient Plasmas and High-Energy Phenomena in Planetary Atmospheres
[p. 025, PDF, 665KB]

Teodora Kirova and Jelena Tamulienė
Numerical Investigations of the Impact of the Magnetic Field of Radiation on Amino Acids
[p. 026, PDF, 665KB]

Minna Patanen
Electron-Ion Coincidence Experiments with Electron and Photon Ionizatione
[p. 027, PDF, 583KB]

L. Schwob, J. Leroux, A. Kotobi, S. Dörner, K. Schubert, I. Unger, K. Atak, V. Zamudio-Bayer, J. T. Lau and S. Bari
X-Ray Action Spectroscopy of Gas-Phase Biomolecular Ions
[p. 028, PDF, 659KB]

Danilo Delibašić
Relative Importance of the Electron Continuum Intermediate State in Single-Electron Capture into Any State of Fast Protons from Helium-Like Atomic Systems
[p. 029, PDF, 724KB]

S. Ganguly and S. Maclot
Fragmentation of Core-Ionized Adamantane Molecule
[p. 030, PDF, 690KB]

M. Roy Chowdhury, G. A. Garcia, E. Rouquet, H. Hrodmarsson, J. C. Loison and L. Nahon
VUV Photoionization and Fragmentation of Cyano-Pahs
[p. 031, PDF, 595KB]

J. Atić, D. Bošnjaković, I. Simonović, Z. Lj. Petrović and S. Dujko
Formation and Propagation of Streamers in CF3I-SF6 Gas Mixtures
[p. 033-036, PDF, 1.06MB]

S. Dujko, D. Bošnjaković, M. Vass, I. Korolov, P. Hartmann, N. Pinhao, D. Loffhagen and Z. Donko
Electron Transport Coefficients in CO: Scanning Drift Tube Measurements and Kinetic Computations
[p. 037-040, PDF, 764KB]

Nenad Milojević, Danilo Delibašić and Ivan Mančev
Single-Electron Capture From He by Fast Alpha Particles
[p. 041-044, PDF, 630KB]

Ž. Nikitović and Z. Raspopović
Reduced Mobility of H+ Ions in n-Butanol Gas
[p. 045-048, PDF, 1.04MB]

I. Simonović, D. Bošnjaković, Z. Lj. Petrović and S. Dujko
Third-Order Transport Coefficients for Electrons in C3F8
[p. 049-052, PDF, 621KB]

N. S. Simonović, D. B. Popović and A. Bunjac
Photoelectron Energy Spectra in Sequential Two-Photon Ionization of Hydrogen by Gaussian and Half-Gaussian Laser Pulses
[p. 053-056, PDF, 684KB]

V. Stanković, M. Ristić, R. Ranković, M. Aoneas, M. Vojnović and G. B. Poparić
Dissociation of N2 by Electron Impact in RF Electric Field
[p. 057-060, PDF, 797KB]

Violeta V. Stanković, Mirjana M. Vojnović, Miroslav M. Ristić, Sava M. D. Galijaš and Goran B. Poparić
Excitation of 1Σ+U and 1Πu States and Ionization of CO2 in DC Electric Field
[p. 061-064, PDF, 969KB]

Natalia Tańska, Kuba Wójcik, Sylwia Dylnicka, Elżbieta Ptasińska-Denga, Czesław Szmytkowski and Paweł Możejko
Total Cross Section Measurements for Electron Scattering on Methyl Formate (HCOOCH3) Molecule: Methylation Effect
[p. 065-068, PDF, 834KB]

M. M. Vojnović, M. M. Ristić and D. S. Belić
Rate Coefficients for O3+ Dissociation to O+ and O2+ by Electron Impact
[p. 069-072, PDF, 855KB]

J. Bonse, K. Wasmuth, H. Voss, J. Krüger and S. Gräf
Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Stuctures, Mechanisms, Applications, and Unsolved Problems
[p. 075, PDF, 626KB]

J. Limpouch
High-Power Laser Interactions with Low Density Porous Materials and Their Applications
[p. 076, PDF, 749KB]

Jovan Ciganović, Miloš Momčilović, Sanja Živković, Jelena Stasić and Milan Trtica
Action of Pulsed Lasers on Titanium Target: Surface Effects
[p. 077, PDF, 681KB]

M. Hadžijojić and M. Ćosić
Study of Two Dimensional Crystals by Rainbow Scattering Effect
[p. 078-079, PDF, 767KB]

Violeta N. Nikolić
Spectroscopic Investigation of the Influence of NO3- Anions on the Crystallization of SiO2 Matrix
[p. 080, PDF, 678KB]

D. M. Popovic, A. Kushima, A. A. Zekic, B. Kasalica, J. Stasic, J. Ciganovic, M. Bogdanovic and M. Trtica
Picosecond Pulsed Laser Ablation of Silicon Single Crystal
[p. 081, PDF, 625KB]

N. Starčević
Ion-Crystal Rainbow Interaction Potential in Channeling
[p. 082, PDF, 743KB]

N. A. Bosak, A. N. Chumakov, L. V. Baran, V. V. Malyutina-Bronskaya, T. F. Raichonok, A. A. Ivanov, V. V. Kiris, E. M. Dyatlova, A. A. Shevchenok, A. V. Buka and A. S. Kuzmitskaya
Investigation of Properties of Yttrium Vanadate YVO4 Films
[p. 083-086, PDF, 989KB]

A. N. Chumakov, V. V. Lychkovsky and I. S. Nikonchuk
Features of Silicon Ablation in Air Under the Influence of Nd:YAG Laser Harmonics
[p. 087-090, PDF, 1.01MB]

A. N. Chumakov, V. V. Luchkouski and I. S. Nikonchuk
Silicon Spalling Destruction and Ablation in Air Under Bichromatic Laser Radiation
[p. 091-094, PDF, 1.27MB]

M. Ćosić, M. Hadžijojić and N. Nešković
Bohmian Dynamics of Positrons Channeled Through a Chiral Carbon Nanotubes
[p. 095-099, PDF, 1.60MB]

H. Delibašić Marković, V. Petrović and I. Petrović
Analytical Prediction and Numerical Analysis of Plasma Mediated Ablation of Skin Tissue Samples with Nanosecond-to-Femtosecond Laser Pulses
[p. 101-104, PDF, 797KB]

S. M. D. Galijaš, V. M. Milosavljević and G. B. Poparić
The Time-Symmetric Description of Electron Exchange in Ion-Ion Collision
[p. 105-108, PDF, 827KB]

S. M. D. Galijaš, V. M. Milosavljević and G. B. Poparić
Influence of Carbon Ions of Different Multiplicity on Regimes of Promising Laser Technologies for the Deposition of Diamond-Like Carbon Nanocoatings
[p. 105-108, PDF, 880KB]

M. Hadžijojić and M. Ćosić
Study of Graphene by Rainbow Scattering Effect
[p. 113-116, PDF, 1.06MB]

A. Kalinić, I. Radović, L. Karbunar, V. Despoja and Z. L. Mišković
Analytical Expression for Stopping Force Acting on a Slow Charged Particle Moving Parallel to a Thick Graphene-Sapphire-Graphene Structure
[p. 117-120, PDF, 851KB]

M. D. Majkić, N. N. Nedeljković and M. A. Mirković
Effect of the Ionic Type on the Shape of the Nanostructures Created by an Impact of Slow Highly Charged Ions on Gold Surface
[p. 121-124, PDF, 663KB]

N. N. Nedeljković, M. D. Majkić, M. A. Mirković, I. Stabrawa and D. Banaś
The Influence of the Ion-Target Parameters on the Size of the Surface Nanohillocks Created by an Impact of Highly Charged Ions
[p. 125-128, PDF, 643KB]

Natalie Tarasenka, Vladislav Kornev, Alena Nevar, Mikhail Nedel’ko, Anton Radomtsev and Nikolai Tarasenko
Combining Plasma-Assisted Synthesis of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles with Thin Films Deposition
[p. 129-132, PDF, 1.40MB]

Natalie Tarasenka, Vladislav Kornev, Svetlana Pashayan and Nikolai Tarasenko
Pulsed Laser Assisted Fabrication of Co-doped ZnO Nanocrystalline Layers on a Glass Substrate
[p. 133-136, PDF, 1.17MB]

I. Traparić, M. Jovanović, M. Kuzmanović and M. Ivković
Elemental Analysis of Austenitic Steel by Calibration-Free Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (CF-LIBS)
[p. 137-140, PDF, 1.00MB]

Nora Trklja Boca, Žarko Z. Mišković, Radivoje M. Mitrović, Bratislav M. Obradović and Milorad M. Kuraica
Treatment of Steel 16MnCr5 and Steel 42CrMo4 by Plasma Flow Generated in Magnetoplasma Compressor
[p. 141-144, PDF, 1.00MB]

M. Trtica, J. Stasic, X. Chen and J. Limpouch
ODS+Hf and AISI 316L Steel Surface Variations at High Laser Intensity, 1013 W/cm2, in Air and Vacuum: Comparative Study
[p. 145-148, PDF, 1.32MB]

S. Živković, J. Petrović, M. Momčilović, M. Radenković, N. Krstulović, J. Car, D. Palasti, F. Casian Plaza and G. Galbács
Perspective on the Use of Nanoparticles to Improve the TEA CO2 Based LIBS Analytical Performances: Copper Nanoparticles for NELIBS Analysis of Polypropylene
[p. 149-152, PDF, 814KB]

Ryo Ono
Measurement and Simulation of Atmospheric-Pressure Streamer Discharge
[p. 155, PDF, 654KB]

L. J. Overzet, A. Press, K. Hernandez, J. Poulose and M. J. Goeckner
Measurements of RF Plasma Re-Ignition: RF-IV and Proes
[p. 156, PDF, 624KB]

S. Béchu, J. L. Lemaire, M. Mitrou, N. De Oliveira and P. Svarnas
Investigation of the Ro-Vibrational Levels of H2/D2 Molecules by VUV-Absorption Spectroscopy for the Production of H-/D- Negative Ions for Fusion Application
[p. 157, PDF, 643KB]

M. T. Belmonte, P. R. Sen Sarma, C. P. Clear, F. Concepcion, M. Ding, J. C. Pickering and S. Mar
What Can Plasma Spectroscopy Do for Astronomers? Measuring Atomic Parameters of Astrophysical Importance
[p. 158, PDF, 625KB]

A. Derzsi
Surface Processes in Low-Pressure Capacitively Coupled Plasmas
[p. 159, PDF, 623KB]

P. Dvořák, R. Žemlička, R. Přibyl, M. Tkáčik, J. Pálenik, P. Vašina, P. Skopal, Z. Navrátil and V. Buršíková
Higher Harmonic Frequencies of Discharge Voltage and Current in Capacitively Coupled Discharges
[p. 160, PDF, 698KB]

C. Fromentin, T. C. Dias, T. Silva, V. Guerra, E. Baratte and O. Guaitella
Coupled Kinetics in CO2-N2 Plasmas
[p. 161, PDF, 598KB]

Mohammed Koubiti
Application of Machine-Learning to Spectroscopic Line Emission by Hydrogen Isotopes in Fusion Devices for Isotopic Determination and Prediction
[p. 162, PDF, 692KB]

Mikhail Pinchuk, Olga Stepanova, Mikhail Gromov and Anton Nikiforov
Control of Guided Streamer Propagation and Interaction with Substrate in Helium Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet
[p. 163, PDF, 708KB]

Djordje Spasojević, Nikola V. Ivanović, Nikodin V. Nedić, Luka Rajačić, Nikola M. Šišović and Nikola Konjević
On the Application of Iterative Kinetic Model for Diagnostics of Abnormal Glow Discharges in Noble Gases
[p. 164, PDF, 761KB]

Dejan Dojić, Miloš Skočić and Srdjan Bukvić
Measurements of Continuous Optical Spectrum During Nanosecond Laser Pulse Interaction with Metallic Target
[p. 165, PDF, 605KB]

Milan Ignjatovic
The Influence of Corona Discharge on the Lightning Surge Propagation Along the Transmission Lines
[p. 166, PDF, 684KB]

Amit Kumar, Nikola Škoro, Wolfgang Gernjak, Suzana Živković and Nevena Puač
Design, Development, and Characterization of Atmospheric Plasma System for Wastewater Treatment
[p. 167, PDF, 683KB]

Marija Puač and Zoran Lj. Petrović
Modeling of Radio-Frequency Breakdown by Monte Carlo Technique
[p. 168, PDF, 778KB]

Leo Sala and Jaroslav Kočišek
Interaction of Ionizing Radiation with DNA Nanostructures
[p. 169, PDF, 1.00MB]

N. Selaković, D. Maletić, N. Puač, G. Malović and Z. Lj. Petrović
Mass Spectrometry of Plasma Jet and Application of Electrical Discharges Operating at Atmospheric Pressure in Biomedicine
[p. 170, PDF, 665KB]

M. M. Vasiljević and Dj. Spasojević
Determination of the Electric Field Strength in Glow Discharges Using Argon Spectral Lines
[p. 171, PDF, 673KB]

O. Asvany, S. Thorwirth, P. C. Schmid, T. Salomon and S. Schlemmer
High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Astrophysically Relevant Molecular Ions
[p. 173-174, PDF, 775KB]

I. I. Filatova, V. A. Lyushkevich, S. V. Goncharik, U. I. Torchyk, Y. V. Kandratau and M. O. Slesarenka
The Effect of Plasma Seed Treatment on Germination and Early Growth of Thuja Koraiensis Nakai Plants
[p. 175-178, PDF, 994KB]

Nikola Goleš, Neda Babucić, Nenad M. Sakan and Milivoje Ivković
Self-Mixing Interferometry for Plasma Diagnostics
[p. 179-182, PDF, 965KB]

Miroslav Gulan and Vladimir Milosavljević
Characterization of the Dielectric Barrier-Free Atmospheric Plasma System
[p. 183-186, PDF, 2.51MB]

Naveen Gupta
Laser Driven Electron Acceleration by q-Gaussian Laser Pulse in Plasma: Effect of Self Focusing
[p. 187-190, PDF, 736KB]

Milan Ignjatovic, Jovan Cvetic, Vera Protic and Nemanja Grbic
Corona Model for Surge Wave Propagation Along the Transmission Lines
[p. 191-194, PDF, 935KB]

N. V. Ivanović, N. V. Nedić, I. R. Videnović and D. Spasojević
Polarization Spectroscopy of Neon Lines for Electric Field Distribution Measurement in the Cathode Sheath of a Grimm-Type Glow Discharge
[p. 195-198, PDF, 1.57MB]

Jovica Jovović and Gordana Lj. Majstorović
The Gas Temperature Diagnostics by Means of AlO (B2Σ+–X2Σ+) Molecular Band System from the Upgraded Atmospheric Pressure Pulsed Discharge Source in Argon
[p. 199-202, PDF, 835KB]

V. V. Luchkouski and A. N. Chumakou
Formation and Heating of Silicon Plasma in Air Under Pulsed Bichromatic Laser Irradiation
[p. 203-206, PDF, 1.37MB]

Jelena Marjanović, Dragana Marić, Gordana Malović and Zoran Lj. Petrović
Breakdown in Saturated Water Vapor
[p. 207-210, PDF, 817KB]

N. V. Nedić, N. V. Ivanović, I. R. Videnović, D. Spasojević and N. Konjević
Looking Behind the Negative Glow Plasma: Estimating Cathode Sheath Parameters by End-On Optical Emission Spectroscopy in a Grimm-Type Glow Discharge Source
[p. 211-214, PDF, 1.00MB]

B. M. Obradović, N. Cvetanović, I. B. Krstić and M. M. Kuraica
Detection of Fast Nitrogen and Oxygen Atoms via Emission Spectroscopy
[p. 215-218, PDF, 786KB]

M. S. Rabasovic, B. P. Marinkovic and D. Sevic
Analysis of Printed Circuit Board LIBS Data Using Deep Learning
[p. 219-222, PDF, 727KB]

Nenad M. Sakan, Milica L. Vinić, Vladimir A. Srećković, Ivan Traparić and Milivoje R. Ivković
Application of Artificial Neural Network in the Analysis of the Spectra from Laser Ablation Combined with Fast Pulse Discharge
[p. 223-226, PDF, 795KB]

L. V. Simonchik and A. V. Kazak
Features of the HeI 492.2 nm Line Profile Registered at Diagnostics of DC and Streamer Discharges
[p. 227-230, PDF, 756KB]

Miloš Skočić, Nikodin Nedić, Dejan Dojić, Luka Rajačić and Srdjan Bukvić
Temperature Estimation in the Early Stage of Laser Induced Plasma Formation Relaying on Black Body Radiation
[p. 231-234, PDF, 763KB]

G. B. Sretenović, P. S. Iskrenović, V. V. Kovačević, B. M. Obradović and M. M. Kuraica
Study of Plasma-Flow Interaction in Low Temperature Plasma Jets
[p. 235-238, PDF, 869KB]

Biljana Stankov, Marijana R. Gavrilović Božović, Jelena Savović and Milivoje Ivković
Spectroscopic Characterization of Laser-Induced Plasma on Doped Tungsten
[p. 239-242, PDF, 1.24MB]

Irinel Tapalaga, Ivan Traparić, Nora Trklja Boca, Jagoš Purić and Ivan P. Dojčinović
Modeling of Stark Spectral Line Broadening by Machine Learning Algorithms
[p. 243-246, PDF, 825KB]

M. M. Vasiljević, G. Lj. Majstorović, I. R. Videnović and D. Spasojević
Spectroscopic Determination of the Degree of Dissociation of Hydrogen in the Glow Discharge
[p. 247-250, PDF, 1.08MB]

Tatiana Vasilieva, Elena Nikolskaya, Michael Vasiliev, Nikita Yabbarov, Maria Sokol, Mariia Mollaeva and Margarita Chirkina
Comparison of Biocompatibility of Organic Polymers Modified in Various Types of Non-Temperature Plasmas
[p. 251-254, PDF, 1.01MB]

Sven Thorwirth, Oskar Asvany and Stephan Schlemmer
Action-Spectroscopic Studies of Transient Carbon-Rich Molecular Ions
[p. 257, PDF, 641KB]

J. Rosato, Y. Marandet, I. Hannachi and R. Stamm
Line Shape Modeling for Magnetic Fusion and Astrophysical Plasmas: An Overview of Recent Results
[p. 258, PDF, 672KB]

Antonios Antoniou, Emmanuel Danezis, Dimitrios Stathopoulos, Evagelia Lyratzi and Dimitrios Tzimeas
Describing the Matematical Methods for Calculating Basic Physical Parameters of the Gaussian-Rotational (GR) Model
[p. 259, PDF, 664KB]

A. Cinins, M. S. Dimitrijević, V. A. Srećković, K. Miculis, N. N. Bezuglov and A. N. Klyucharev
Analysis of Adiabatic Processes in Multilevel N-pod Quantum Systems from the Perspective of Riemannian Geometry
[p. 260, PDF, 683KB]

Milena Jovanović
Matter Distribution in Nearby Galaxies
[p. 261, PDF, 663KB]

V. Radović, A. Kovačević, D. Ilić, R. Street, L. Č. Popović, M. Nikolić, N. Andrić Mitrović and I. Čvorović-Hajdinjak
Development of a Time-Domain Pipeline for Detecting Binary Supermassive Black Holes in the Upcoming Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST)
[p. 262, PDF, 599KB]

T. Salomon, S. Brackertz, O. Asvany, I. Savić, D. Gerlich and S. Schlemmer
Recent Progress on Action Spectroscopy of Loosely Bound Hydrogen-Helium Complexes
[p. 263, PDF, 614KB]

A. Arsenić, D. Borka, P. Jovanović and V. Borka Jovanović
Winged Dragn Source From Leahy's Atlas: 3C 315
[p. 265-268, PDF, 927KB]

S. Das and D. C. Das
Higher Order Non-Linear Dust Ion Acoustic (DIA) Solitary Waves in Plasmas with Weak Relativistic Effects in Electrons and Ions
[p. 269, PDF, 677KB]

J. Kovačević-Dojčinović, I. Dojčinović, M. Lakićević and L. Č. Popović
Decomposition of the Blended Hα+[N II] Lines in Spectra of the Active Galactic Nuclei Type 1.8-2
[p. 271-274, PDF, 612KB]

Amit Kumar and Jyotsna Sharma
The Effect of Negative Ions on Weibel Instability in the Presence of Large Amplitude Electrostatic Waves
[p. 275, PDF, 638KB]

V. A. Srećković, L. M. Ignjatović, V. Vujčić and M. S. Dimitrijević
The Chemi-Recombination Processes in Alkali-Metal Astrophysical and Low-Temperature Laboratory Plasmas: Rate Coefficients
[p. 277-280, PDF, 720KB]

M. Berholts, P. H. W. Svensson, L. Pihlava, A. Vladyka, J. Niskanen, I. Unger, K. Kooser, C. Stråhlman, P. Eng-Johnsson, L. Schwob, A.-L. Vieli, O. Björneholm, C. Caleman, R. Lindblad and E. Kukk
Photofragmentation of the Radiation Therapy Enhancers: Can We Make Better Ones?
[p. 283, PDF, 626KB]

L. Carlini, P. Bolognesi, J. Chiarinelli, G. Mattioli, A. Casavola, M. C. Castrovilli, V. Valentini, A. De Stefanis, E. M. Bauer, E. Molteni, D. Sangalli and L. Avaldi
The "Lego Bricks" of Life: A Gas-Phase Study of Dipeptides
[p. 284-285, PDF, 812KB]

M. Di Fraia
Ultrafast Dynamics of Photo-Excited Molecules at Fermi Free Electron Laser
[p. 286, PDF, 628KB]

Bratislav P. Marinković
European Synchrotron and FEL User Organisation: Current Challenges and Prospects (COST Actions)
[p. 287, PDF, 698KB]

Alexandra Mocellin, R. R. T. Marinho, O. Bjorneholm and A. Naves De Brito
Surface Propensity of Small Organic Biomolecules in Vapour-Water Interface by XPS
[p. 288, PDF, 606KB]
